Cranberry Pumpkin Seed Energy Balls
Psalm 27:13
I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Did you hear that?! Be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord! That’s exactly where I’m at today. Maybe you can relate as well?! The ‘land of the living’ is in reference to the ‘here’ and ‘now’. So in other words be strong, take heart and wait for the Lord and you will see his goodness during your lifetime here on earth. I love that! I find so much Joy and hope in that scripture. Last Sunday something incredible happened to me at church. They were finishing up the sermon and they did an altar call…calling all those who wanted prayer to come forward to be prayed with. I honestly didn’t think twice of even going up there. Gods heard my prayers, I talk to him daily. There’s no need for me to go up there. I continue to just sing, close my eyes and worship the Lord. I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there’s a young pretty lady standing there. She looks at me, smiles and says “I’m supposed to pray with you” … Me? Pray with me?! Then she said, is there something you need healing for? I immediately start to break down and cry. I then proceeded to tell her about the horrible nerve pain in my elbow’s that I have been experiencing for the last year and a half. So she prays with me, holds my elbows and asks the Lord to heal me completely. There was a lot more to it, it was the most beautiful prayer I’ve heard in a long time. She finished, looked at me and told me that she was standing at the front of the church looking out into the crowd,( mind you I was sitting at least seven or eight rows back from the front. This is not a small church by any means, there were a lot of people in that service) …she continues to say that she saw me out there in the crowd and that the Lord put it on her heart to pray with me! Now this was an altar call , this is for people to go up to the front to be prayed for. Not to say that they cant or won’t come to you, but it usually doesn’t go that way. As soon as she told me that, I knew right then and there this was no coincidence. The Lord used her to show me that he hears me, he cares about me, he loves me, he wants to heal me. I just know the Lord has used this time of suffering and sorrow to mature me and grow me into the woman he wants me to be. While no one wants to suffer we can thank God for his purpose in our suffering. Though these trials can be so painful at times, The Lords purpose can bring joy, peace, and hope. Very few things can build our character like sorrow. Most of our growth as human beings occurs during trials. So we can be thankful, thankful that he wants to draw us near to him and smooth out those rough edges that need to be smoothed.
So back to that beautiful scripture… What kind of trench would we be in if we didn’t believe that we would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living? Not a very good one I don’t think! Probably pretty hopeless, distressed, and miserable. The Lord says in John 10:10~ The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance! So no matter what you’re going through, no matter how you may feel or what thoughts overtake your mind, put your hope in God’s goodness and expect him to advance your situation!
Enjoy your life in the Land of the Living ????
Enjoy those Energy Bites 😉
This pumpkin energy ball recipe is super easy to make and a incredibly delicious snack on the go.
- 1/2 cup dried cranberries
- 3/4 cup gluten free rolled oats
- 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
- 1/4 cup Almond slices
- 1 cup coconut flakes
- 3/4 cup peanut butter
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
- Mix all dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Next stir in wet ingredients. Mix really well until thoroughly combined. Note: If its too wet you can add a little more oats and if its too dry a little more peanut butter. Enjoy 🙂
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